
I read once that one of the best ways to get a following for your blog is to focus on one topic. Explore that topic in depth and post regularly. That’s what I should do, so of course I won’t.

I do intend to post on a regular basis, but I’m interested in too many different subjects to stick to just one.  As a writer, I get to research whatever strikes my fancy, and I’ve discovered that my writer friends all seem to share a love of learning random things. Who knows what’s going to spark an idea or trigger a solution for a sticky plot point? So besides book reviews and thoughts on writing or conventions, I will post random bits of history or information I find interesting.

I have a deep love of science but discovered I lack the obsessive nature necessary to be a good research scientist. I don’t have that ability to hyperfocus on one area and be passionate about it for years, but I do enjoy reading science and discussing it. I know a great many scientists and hope to use this page to communicate interesting findings I run across or share work from my friends who are researchers if they want another platform to post on.

Why Story Currents? I wanted a title that would reflect my interest  in literature especially science fiction and fantasy writing plus science, history, and the fluid way that everything in the world interacts. So visit for the book reviews, science tidbits, or musings about current events. I’ll try to keep things mixed up and maybe help generate a few more stories along the way.

Oh — and because the Internet runs on cats, random cat pics will happen. I’ll try to keep them under control.


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